05 March 2009

When a child is born a parent is born too.

Some parents forget to grow up with their child …I saw a good Tamil movie “Abhiyum Nannum”. It is a father- daughter story , of course there is a mother too, a practical and strong woman. Some parents forget that they just have to teach their kids how to fly and then let them go. Do people have kids as a security blanket for their old age??And how do you decide on how many kids??Often parents forget to live their lives, shadowing their kids, making them do what you wished you had done (your kid's life is not your second shot at getting it right!!).Do you even know your child or what he/she wants?? Is it that we conveniently assume that they don’t have a mind of their own?
There is a big role that a mother has to play in a boy’s life and a father is a little girl’s hero.. I have seen mothers who sacrifice or forget to live their lives and take up a mission of hovering over their boys, treating them like royalty, just so that they feel wanted. In turn these boys grow up with the notion that they always need a woman to take care of them , when they should have been taught to be self sufficient and responsible. Girls need attention from their fathers , don’t deprive them of that .It is the first man she is around in her life, who should help build confidence and give her the strength to live her life to the fullest. Kids who grow up in boarding schools coz their parents could not accommodate them due to whatever reason, they grow up too, but is that the way nature intended for them to be raised? It is good to have dreams for your kids, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of losing them.
To parents who take pride in their traditional parenting techniques being better than any other,there is a lot to learn from around the world. We have to meet somewhere in the middle. Get to know your kid, equip them with values, teach them about real life, show them their options. Parenting is fun , but you do it when it’s the right age and stop doing it when it is not needed.

Have you told your child that you love him/her today??


  1. Very well said. :) You know I cannot say more from experience but I agree people should know when and when not to parent.

  2. It is really a pity to see even the new age (grand)parents treating their (grand)sons like kings.I always used to hate this & used to argue with people.As you said we need to learn a lot from the world too, in addition to the "traditional" techniques, since the world is no more the same !
