08 April 2009

Catching up with time

Yesterday’s dream may not feel the same today, for nothing holds your fancy forever. Just like a doll you wanted as a child, doesn’t give you the same joy today even if you got one, you only wish you had one as a little girl, ambitions grow with you. Time waits for none, we all know, but we often hold on to the past. We need to evaluate if a dream is worth pursuing or should we move on. Every new day brings you a new role, it is like the horoscope of the day, if you are still counting the loss of the past, you will never catch up to it..

Everything happens for a reason, a reason unknown. Wonder if this was all scripted and you and I are mere actors assigned to play the part.. Or are we creating our future with every step we take??? At times it feels good to be in control of your life, but when filled with uncertainty you wish you had a sign telling you to turn left or right.

Getting out of the comfort zone is a struggle, weighing out all the pros and cons. The fear of failure and not knowing our strengths, being reared in a culture that teaches you of humility and modesty, how much more will we tread on paths already traveled, by the fear of getting lost? We don’t even dare take a shot at opportunities in life for the fear of being ridiculed, if we fail.

Taught to think about the consequences of our actions, we are limited to stay within those invisible boundaries. Instilled with fear and guilt as if everything is untouchable, we have been trained to walk on straight lines. It is difficult to cut loose and take those reins into your own hands coz it is easy to blame it on someone else if things go wrong. Ultimately, what makes your name worth remembering once you are gone??


  1. When would we come out from our own inhibitions & take up the challenges ?!!!

  2. I guess self-esteem is vital for us to make concrete decisions for ourselves. And this is one quality that keeps getting killed all the time. I suppose it will be best to develop a love for ourselves to start seeing things clearly.
